Twenty teams represented Hautapu Sports at the New World Cambridge Netball Centre Year 3-6 tournament, taking the opportunity to develop and learn in a tournament environment.
Refreshed from the July school holidays, Hautapu Sports were represented by:
- Year 6: Whio, Kahikatea, Karaka, Kauri, Kowhai.
- Year 5: Korimako, Matata, Kahurangi, Ma, Kokako, Pateke.
- Year 4: Pukeko, Piwakawaka, Weka, Kereru, Kawakawa.
- Year 3: Puriri, Kea, Kakapo, Kiwi.
Hautapu Sports performed well across all grades and were represented in all the tournament finals on July 27, 2024.
Congratulations to the following teams:
Year 6: Winner: Hautapu Kahikatea
See main photo.
Year 5: Runners-up: Hautapu Ma.

Year 4: Winner: Hautapu Piwakakawa.

Year 3: Winner: Hautapu Puriri