Nineteen Hautapu Sports junior netball teams took to the New World Cambridge Netball Centre courts after their school term break, representing the club at a tournament for years 3-6.
Hautapu teams reached the finals of all age group sections.
Hautapu teams included:
- Year 6 – Whero, Kowhai and Karaka.
- Year 5 – Miromiro, Whio, Pateke, Matata, Kokako and Korimako.
- Year 4 – Kiri, Piwakawaka, Weka, Ruru, Ngaio, Pukeko and Kereru.
- Year 3 – Kakapo, Kiwi and Kea.
Director of Junior Netball Jody Anderson said the players took the opportunity to develop and learn through the experience of tournament play.
“All the teams represented Hautapu Sports proudly, both on and off the court, with great netball and sportsmanship,” she said.
Main photo: Hautapu Piwakawaka – Year 4 winners.

Tournament winners
Year 6
Winner – Hautapu Karaka
Runner-up – Hautapu Whero
Year 5
Winner – Hautapu Pateke
Year 4
Winner – Hautapu Piwakawaka
Year 3
Winner – Hautapu Kiwi