Coaches benefit from workshop that helps them plan better sessions

posted in: Juniors, News

Thirty-two coaches have benefitted from a coaching clinic hosted by Amigene Metcalfe and Andrew Douglas at the Hautapu Sports Club.

The evening workshop on April 19 covered how to plan sessions, ways to make sessions productive and demonstrated types of games and drills to use and adapt during sessions.

The workshop was particularly helpful for coaches of junior teams and players.

Andrew Douglas, who is the general manager of Hautapu Sports Club, thanked all the coaches who attended and said the club would soon run sport-specific coaching sessions.

Main photo: Workshop participants take part in a demonstration.

The workshop leaders

Amigene Metcalfe

  • Coached the Waikato-Bay of Plenty Magic.
  • Played more than 175 times in a 13-year career with Waikato.
  • Silver Fern (2004).
  • Long-time captain of the New Zealand touch team.
  • Sport Development Manager with Sport Waikato, with special emphasis on supporting coaches to deliver quality sporting experiences.

Andrew Douglas

  • Dual championship-winning coach with Hautapu (2006-2007).
  • Coached NZ Secondary Schools team (2009-2011).
  • Coach of professional clubs Biella (Italy), Toyota Shokki (Japan) and Old Glory DC (United States).
  • Assistant coach with Hautapu’s Premier A team.
  • General manager of Hautapu Sports Club.

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