National rugby survey produces encouraging results for Hautapu Sports Club

posted in: News, Rugby

A nationwide sports survey has provided data that shows Hautapu Sports Club is on the right track in the way it caters for its members who choose to play rugby.

The annual survey, by Sport New Zealand, enables participating sports codes to benchmark their performance against past performance and relative to other sports.

The 2022 Voice of Participants survey was the sixth time rugby had taken part, and there were sufficient Hautapu members who voiced their opinions for the club’s performance to be measured against the sport in general.

Club president Dave Simes said:

“While we still have areas to work on, the results for Hautapu Sports make encouraging reading.

“The survey results provide us as a club with the confidence that we are tracking in the right direction.

“It is imperative we continue with the strong focus on creating a friendly supportive environment where players enjoy their sport, grow and develop, and are proud to be part of a successful club.”

Simes emphasised the results reflected only the feedback from members who played rugby but the survey would also help keep the club’s focus on how it can look for continual improvement.

Dave Simes … ‘Encouraging feedback.’

The Voice of Participants survey

About 90,000 participants were invited to share their views, of which 6,261 took up the opportunity.

Participating sports were rugby, rugby league, yachting, athletics, football, hockey, netball, rugby, cricket and touch.

NZ Rugby provided benchmarking information to clubs who had provided a significant number of survey respondents, and this included Hautapu with 34.

Areas in which Hautapu’s performance exceeded the national rugby benchmark included:

  • Quality of coaches/instructors
  • Professional and well-managed
  • Well-maintained playing/training venues and fields
  • Providing information when needed
  • Having clean and well-maintained facilities
  • Supportive and encouraging environment

Opportunities to improve player satisfaction, when compared with the national benchmark, include:

  • Sufficient playing opportunities on the field
  • Too much focus on certain players/teams

Read the results of the full survey of rugby participants here:

To read the comparisons between the national rugby benchmarks and the Hautapu survey respondents, click on the link below:


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