Teams recognised for sportsmanship as hockey season comes to a close

posted in: Hockey, Juniors, News

By Marie Dale

What a fantastic season of junior hockey for our Hautapu Sports hockey superstars!

I am so proud of all our players and teams. They all learned and improved their skills, played their best and most importantly, had fun doing so!

All six of our Intermediate teams played in Goalie grades this year.

I saw a few of their games, and it was amazing to see the step-up in skills, strategy and games from Mini Hockey.

Our 25 primary teams all did so well, and I was privileged to be able to watch them most weeks.

It was rewarding to see the improvement in all teams and the smiles on the players’ faces.

Cambridge Mini Hockey runs a sportsmanship system, where the umpires award up to five points per team per game, based on all aspects of sportsmanship from the supporters, the sidelines and the on-field players.

These points are all tallied, and a winner is announced for both the Year 3 & 4 and the Year 5 & 6 grades.

I am beyond honoured to say both sportsmanship winners this season were Hautapu Sports teams.

Main photo: Hautapu Grey … award winners for Years 3 & 4.

Hautapu Platinum … winners for the Year 5 & 6 grade.

Hautapu Grey took the award for the Year 3 & 4 grade, and Hautapu Platinum for the Year 5 & 6 grade.

From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank all the coaches, managers and helpers.

Without your time, commitment and support, we would not have been able to field so many hockey teams.

You are appreciated more than you could know.

Let’s do it all again next year.

Marie Dale

Marie Dale is the Director of Junior Hockey at Hautapu Sports Club.

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