Schedules available for taking of junior team photographs

posted in: Juniors, Netball, News, Rugby

Time schedules are now available for the taking of junior sports team photographs at the Hautapu Sports clubrooms between June 19-28, 2023.

Here’s what you need to know:


Junior netball (years 3-6, and year 8): Tuesday June 20, 2023

Junior netball (year 7): Tuesday June 27, 2023

Junior netball (years 1 & 2): Wednesday June 28, 2023

Junior rugby: Monday June 19, 2023

Junior hockey: Wednesday June 21, 2023

Photo schedule

Click here to find the time of your scheduled photo shoot >>>>

Once you’ve opened our file, look for the tabs at the bottom to find your sport/team.

Please arrive ten minutes before your scheduled photo time.

Teams will be called to the bottom of the clubrooms in order to get lined up and ready for their photo.

Coach or manager, please name the photo before leaving the clubrooms; a team list and a photo taken on the night will be provided to help with this.

How to order your photo’s

Orders for photos are being taken via a Google form. You can order photos for multiple sports and superstars on the same form.

Each photo is $15; you will be invoiced for this, with payment due by the end of July.

Orders close on June 30, 2023.

Click on the button below for an order form, or scan the QR code:

We will endeavour to get team photos to coaches or managers before the end of the season.

Any photos not given out will be available at Hautapu Sports — Junior Prizegiving.

Any questions, please email your code coordinator.

Junior Netball: contact Jody at

Junior Hockey: contact Marie at

Junior Rugby: contact Rhys at

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