Don’t leave it too late! Here’s how to buy this year’s junior sports uniforms

posted in: Juniors, News, Uncategorized

It’s time to make sure our youngest members have the right junior sports uniforms for the season ahead — and we’re hosting two special sessions to make it easy!

Hautapu Sports Club will host two sessions at its Victoria Rd clubrooms where you can buy sports uniforms, including junior shorts, socks and hoodies.

Alpha Sports will also be there with hockey sticks and hockey kits (stick, mouthguard, ball and shinpads).

  • Session 1 — Wednesday April 26, 2023
  • Session 2 — Wednesday May 3, 2023

Our clubrooms will be open from 3.30pm to 7pm so you’ll have plenty of time to choose the right items, and right sizes.

Eftpos will be available.

Main photo credit: Andrej Lišakov on Unsplash

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