Test your quiz knowledge — and help support our local rugby referees

posted in: News, Rugby

Fancy the chance to show your trivia knowledge skills? Here’s the perfect opportunity and you’ll be helping support our local rugby referees at the same time.

The Cambridge Rugby Referees Association will hold a Quiz Night at Hautapu Sports’ clubrooms on Friday October 14, 2022.

It’ll be entertaining and help raise funds for the CRRA’s centenary celebrations in 2023.

Here’s what’s in store:

  • Teams of up to eight people per table
  • Entry fee of $180 table
  • Cash bar
  • Nibbles provided
  • Lots of great quiz prizes
  • Auction items

The doors open at 6pm and the quiz gets underway, with quiz master Matt Hicks on the microphone.

Book now

To reserve your table, email cambridgerefs@gmail.com.

Help spread the word

You can help promote the Quiz Night by sharing the following flyer with friends (and potential Quiz Team members):

Download Quiz Night flyer >>>>

About Cambridge Rugby Referees Association

We are a group of Cambridge locals who are passionate about the game and take great pride in giving back to the game that many of us have played and/or coached.

We give up our time to ensure that all the young men and women in our community can take part in the game we all love.

We have weekly meetings during the season to upskill ourselves with the laws of the game, discuss our matches from the weekend and generally have a good laugh.

In 2023, the CRRA will celebrate 100 years of officiating rugby in Cambridge.

To mark this momentous occasion of 100 years of rugby officiating in Cambridge there will be a day of rugby at Memorial Park on Saturday May 27, where we hope to have as many Cambridge teams as possible playing there.

This will be followed by a centenary dinner at the Cambridge Raceway later that evening.

This will provide the chance for Cambridge referees past and present to get together to enjoy some local rugby and share memories of days gone by.

100 years of serving the Cambridge rugby community is a tremendous milestone.

Bringing as many members, past and present, together will be a really special occasion. No doubt we will celebrate in style.

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