How our club has fielded 27 junior rugby teams … and hundreds of smiles

posted in: Juniors, News, Rugby

Where has the season gone? Yes, it’s August and our junior rugby superstars have only two more games left this winter.

Hautapu Sports Club has fielded 27 junior rugby teams this year.

Josh Bull, Director of Junior Rugby says the number of teams has been possible due to the work and commitment of many coaches, managers, referees and helpers.

“Without them, it wouldn’t have been possible,” he says. “We’re grateful to every one of them.”

Bull says the season has been satisfying with so many children enjoying their rugby.

“It’s been fantastic to see so many kids out there every week, getting stuck in, loving their rugby and playing with smiles on their faces.”

With only two weeks left, Bull urges everyone on and off the pitch to make the most of the remaining games … “and then we get the chance to do it all again next year.”

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