Our junior netballers enjoy a morning of Magic with two stars of the game

posted in: Juniors, Netball, News

Dozens of young Cambridge netball players have shared a morning of fun, friendship and coaching drills with two of the sport’s best players.

Georgie Edgecombe and Simmon Wilbore, who both play for ANZ Premiership side the Magic, came over to the Cambridge Netball Centre on Saturday July 2 to hang out with the next generation of players.

Main photo: Edgecombe (left) watches as Wilbore signs a drinks bottle for a young fan.

The pair, and their young fans, had a ball.

It was a chance to sign autographs, take some photographs and have some fun — even to sample sizzled sausages at the Hautapu Sports marquee and to enjoy a cream donut (well, the players are out of season now …)

There was plenty of time for the serious business of showing young players better ways to play netball, lining them up for shooting drills and passing on some tips.

‘They were great ambassadors for WaiBop Magic’

Hautapu’s Director of Netball Amy Purchase said:

“We really appreciated having them come along to join in the fun.

“They were great ambassadors for WaiBop Magic and we really hope we get to see them again around the courts.”

Edgecombe (21) has completed her second season with the Magic and has been part of New Zealand’s national U-21 squad.

A former head girl at St Peter’s, she’s multi-talented, having represented Waikato at touch rugby, won a national schools’ basketball title and set a national swimming record when she was 10.

Wilbore (29) has been with the Magic since 2019 and has faced multiple challenges this year, including a broken finger, a sprained ankle and COVID, all of which kept her sidelined for nine games.

The pair are training partners and they welcomed a morning of fun at the Cambridge netball courts.

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