Weekly draw: Lucky member goes home with $350 after winning jackpot

posted in: News

A senior rugby player (member number 0979) has won our Hautapu Sports Club members’ cash draw and taken home $350.

The prize pot jackpots by $50 a week until won and our winner collected when they were present for the draw in the clubrooms last Saturday (June 18).

Congratulations to our winner!

This means our next member’s draw starts at $100 and will be drawn on Friday July 1, 2022.

(Please remember our club is closed on Friday June 24 for the Matariki public holiday).

How the draw works

The draw is open to all current club members and is drawn between 6pm and 7pm on Fridays.

To collect the prize, you need:

  • To be present at the bar when the draw is made.
  • Have your club membership card with you.

If not struck on a Friday, there is a redraw on Saturday between 5pm and 6pm but only if there is a Premier Rugby Team home game. If there is no home game, the next draw will take place the following Friday.

How much you can win

The prize increases by $50 every week it’s not struck until it has reached $1,000 when a ‘must go membership draw’ will be held.

How to become a member

It’s easy to become a member of Hautapu Sports Club — we have membership categories to suit everyone.

Click here for membership details >>>>

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