Club’s youngest members are invited to train as ninjas!

posted in: Juniors, News

Hautapu Sports Club’s youngest members and their families are invited to a special session at Hamilton’s “newest, biggest and funnest” playground.

Our club has secured exclusive access to Ninja Valley which is a large indoor Ultimate Playground, featuring 10,000 cubic metres of more than 30 exhilarating challenges, activities and features.

Junior sports members and their family members have exclusive access from 9am-1pm on Sunday June 12, 2022.

Our members will receive a 20% discount for their visit.

To book, click here >>>>

The Ninja Valley playground officially opens on June 9, so our members will be among the first to experience the thrills and fun of the playground

About Ninja Valley

Let your imagination run wild and visit Ninja Valley’s “secret training facility in the heart of Hamilton, where we gather to practise and develop the ancient arts of strength, balance, courage, perseverance and invisibility.”

There are no devices and no screen-time in the Ninja Arena. Ninjas will only find 30+ calorie-burning, confidence-boosting, courage-building, exhilarating activities and challenges in our 10,000 cubic metres facility.

Ninjas of all ages (2-102) will find their happy place amongst the 65 trampoline based activities, interspersed with two ninja courses, a high ropes course, two climbing towers, a zipline, battle beam, slack-line, wipeout, slam dunk, donut slide, rainbow net, ball pits and much much more.

Ninja Valley is based at … shhhhh, keep it a secret … 9 Norton Rd, Hamilton.

Read more about Ninja Valley’s activities here >>>>

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