Senior rugby teams to start pre-season preparation in early February

posted in: News, Rugby

Hautapu Sports Club’s senior men’s, Colts and women’s rugby teams have confirmed their pre-season schedule ahead of the 2025 season.

Pre-season training starts for all teams on Tuesday February 4, 2025, at Memorial Park.

Sessions start at 6pm.

The first round of pre-season matches will start on Saturday March 15, 2025.

Waikato Rugby competitions get underway on Saturday April 5, 2025.

READ MORE: Draw sends Hautapu Sports teams to Marist on opening day of new rugby season >>>>

Pre-season training dates

Pre-season training sessions will be held for all four teams on the following dates:

Tuesdays (6pm): February 4, 11, 18, 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1.

Thursdays (6pm): February 13, 20, 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3.

Note: No training on Thursday February 6 (Waitangi Day).

Coaching staff for 2025

— Premier A

Jackson Willison will return as the head coach for Hautapu Sports’ Premier A squad for the 2025 Waikato rugby season.

The Premier A forwards will be coached again by Elliot Sharpe, while Fraser Armstrong continues as the squad’s scrum coach.

After a year off, Will Helu returns to coach the attack and backs.

READ MORE: Premier A coaches appointed ahead of next year’s Waikato rugby season >>>>

— Development squad

Waikato representative and Hautapu Sports forward Hamilton Burr will coach the club’s Development squad in the 2025 rugby season.

Team manager will be Bryan Harris.

READ MORE: Hamilton Burr to coach Hautapu Sports’ Development team next season >>>>

— Colts

Head coach Tyrone Maulin and assistant coach Ian Stewart will return in their roles next season as Hautapu Sports look to build on their successful Waikato Colts campaign.

The Colts finished runners-up in the 2024 Waikato Rugby Colts competition, with Maulin and Stewart in their first season working with the squad.

Glen Wallis will take over as the Colts’ team manager, with Bryan Harris moving to the Premier Development squad next season.

READ MORE: Tyrone Maulin and Ian Stewart confirmed for another Colts campaign >>>>

— Women’s Championship

In only their second season of fielding a women’s team, Hautapu will be led again by head coach Rob Loto.

His assistant coaches will be newcomers Kennedy Tahu and Jarrod Hireme.

READ MORE: Coaching staff confirmed for 2025 Women’s Rugby Championship campaign >>>>

Interested in playing for us?

If you want to learn more about our plans for the new season or to express an interest in joining us, please email Nigel Kewish, Director of Rugby, at

We welcome all players — those who are returning to our club, those who are new to the game and those new to our community.

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